Welcome to Coventry HOA in Yorktown, VA. We are a proud, diverse homeowners association with over 1,028 families in a variety of single-family homes and multi-family townhome units in southern York County, nestled alongside the shores of Big Bethel Reservoir.
Check out our Calendar of Events for information regarding events, and meetings at the Clubhouse.
Please keep in mind that exterior appearance modifications or additions and color changes require prior approval by the Architectural Review Committee by submitting an Exterior Alteration Application.
Disclosure Package: All homes are required to order the Coventry HOA Master Bundle (cost $264). If the home is located in a sub-association (Smithy Glen, Ferguson Glade, Finch Terrace) you are also required to order the HOA Sub-Association Bundle (cost $146). Click the link below: www.homewisedocs.com.
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